Industry Knowledge
  • How to invest a water park so that owner could earn back the money and make profit?
    How to invest a water park so that owner could earn back the money and make profit?
    on 2014-2-24

    How to better choose (xuanze) water amusement equipment (shèbèi) water park as the most popular leisure way for summer tourists, is a paradise integrating summer, leisure, entertainment and other experiences. Waterpark equipment is a comprehensive discipline that studies human mechanics, water physics, mechanical movement, psychological endurance, physical endurance, health and safety, mood swings, management,

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  • Water Park Equipment Selection
    Water Park Equipment Selection
    on 2014-1-13

    Nowadays, the water park is a very popular resort in Summer, which attract many potential investors pay close attention to this investment. For the potential investors, how to choose the ideal water park equipment?Here below is four tips for your reference. positioning: You need to make clear of your local economy and population and what kind of potential guests […]

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  • Points to Invest a Water Park
    Points to Invest a Water Park
    on 2013-11-25

    Investing a water park is not an easy issue, it relates to every aspect and investor should consider all. While the planning and operation is the key point to make a wonderful water park. If the investor makes it well for the two point, then the water park will be success easily. So let’s talk about what should the investor do […]

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  • What should we pay attention to when investing in water park?
    What should we pay attention to when investing in water park?
    on 2013-11-13

    Water park industry in this season is also a good time to start investing in the construction of water park. The site selection, planning and negotiation of the water park should start from this time to prepare or have begun to break ground. Here, we would like to remind the vast investors who are ready to invest in and operate […]

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